Cell Phone Radiation Protection Tips for Digital Dummies!

If the endless talks about cell phone radiation protection bore you to death, think again, and read on.

radiation protection tips for addicted users

The endless discussions and warnings about cell phone radiation protection probably bore you to death! Your wish is that people would just pull the plug – and stop demonizing cell phones!

Then you can have your life back.

Yes, you are looking for that one excuse that says cell phone use is entirely safe.

Unfortunately, you are wrong, because smartphone indulgence without moderation is not safe for you and your family!

By default, cell phones emit small doses of electromagnetic fields (EMF), a form of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation, which can find its way into body tissues next to the phone.

This radiation is classified as a possible carcinogen by the World Health Organization and placed in the same category as,

  • engine exhaust
  • DDT
  • lead

The most sensitive and therefore vulnerable body parts include the head, womb, breast, and genitalia.

There is cumulative exposure when we use cell phones wrongly, for extended durations, and for many years. Other factors such as phone and network quality can also worsen the emission.

In a ‘Phonegate‘ study done by the French government in 2017, we are exposed to higher levels of radiation than is indicated by phone manufacturers when studies are done under real-life circumstances i.e, placing the phone in the pocket or next to the ear. See the video.

When placed a distance away from the body, the exposure reduces considerably.

digital learning

Cellular phones are nice contraptions but have drawbacks that may manifest almost immediately or later in life.

Nobody and not even the EMF experts seem to know the consequences resulting from extended exposure. Unless of course, they are taking us all for a ride.

While the immediate consequences may show as headachespain in the neck, shoulder, and back, the long-term effects can be life-threatening. These include a tumor in the brain, reduced brain functionalities, poor sleep, and long-term social disruptions.

The following are only overall recommendations for parents and children in the 21st Century. They rotate around three cornerstone guidelines, limitation of usage, the distance between the phone and, user adoption of corded phones.

1.  Pay attention to the user guidelines!

In order to tone down the effects of cell phone radiation, you should follow through with the user guidelines that ship with your cell phone.

Otherwise, be cautious and stay aware of the larger picture of radiofrequency emissions.

For example,

  • placing the phone 20cm away from the body cuts down radiation by 98%!


  • buying a phone for children is safer at 14 years and above.

The developing brain in children is particularly at risk if exposed to cell phone radiation early in life. Just as well, the cumulative effects will manifest sooner or later in life.

2. Create distance between your body & the phone! 

Cell phones should be kept away from the skin even when you talk through them. Neither should you place them close to the head, in the bra, in the pocket, and in bed when you sleep.

Pregnant women should not place them next to the womb. For better cell phone radiation protection, they should stay on the table, in the bag, or in other containers.

Follow manufacturer directives regarding the distance the phone should be placed away from the body.

3.  Talk less!

You are probably one of those pissed off by those that talk endlessly on their cell phones in public!

We may not realize it, but the excitement in using phones actually irritates those nearby.

Cell phones are communication and not distraction tools. Your conversations should be brief and controlled. You need to be conscious of the surrounding environment, and how positively or negatively your conversation is affecting others.

Landline receivers (corded phones) should be preferred for extended voice calls if you wish to talk for long, hoping you are not an inconvenience to anyone.

4.  Text more

Turn to voice assistants, speakerphones, corded air tube headsets, and Bluetooth headsets. Corded non-wireless devices are preferable to Bluetooth contraptions.

The latter also emit a fair amount of radiation. Air tube headsets are preferable to headsets.

5.  Asses your cell phone’s SAR levels!

Buy cell phones which emit the lowest levels of radiation. Generic phones, especially from China, lack proper documentation and should not find their way into your home.

Just saying.

The German Federal Office for Radiation Protection provides a detailed database of old and new phones in the market and the corresponding radiation levels they emit.

Sony, Samsung, and Google lead the way in producing phones with the least radiation.

Ultimately though, all phones emit radiation and must be treated the same way.

6.  Turn off unused transmitters!

All modern phones have three transmitters:

  • Cellular
  • Wireless
  • Bluetooth

Bluetooth is used rarely and should be turned off most of the time.

Wi-Fi too should be turned off if the cell phone is not connected to a hotspot. In the same vein, wireless devices at home should be turned off when idle.

Better still, routers and other wireless gadgets should not be placed in children’s bedrooms, or anywhere close to where they stay for extended hours!

7.  No cell phone while travelling!

Cell phones should be kept away when driving or traveling in a first moving vehicle.  These devices emit large amounts of radiofrequency energy when switching from one cell tower to another in a speeding car.

8.  Install EMF meters at home

Acquire EMF meters to measure the amount of cell phone radiation running wild in the house. There is no point taking the advanced options listed above when the home and workplace are a radiation haven.

The room where children play and sleep should be safe enough. Whole night exposure is a death trap. The 3-Axis RF meter is just an example of a tool that can be used to measure and implement cell phone radiation protection at home.

Prioritizing our well-being in the digital age requires a conscious approach to cell phone usage. By adopting the uncomplicated yet effective strategies mentioned above, we can navigate the modern world while safeguarding ourselves from potential radiation risks.

Remember, it’s never too late to implement these tips and embrace a healthier relationship with our devices. Let this guide empower you to make mindful choices and embrace a balanced and informed tech-savvy lifestyle for years to come.

For more insightful and further reading, visit the EMF Empowerment website.


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