5 Real Life Hacks to Get Your Digital Child to Unplug from Technology!

If you want your child to unplug from technology, make sure that screen time use should be everyone’s business at home.

children unplugging from tech

Your bid to have your 21st-century child unplug from technology is so much a problem because neither can live without the other. They are so much intertwined that the thought of separation does not make sense.

This leaves you with so much to ask, and yet so few meaningful answers!

For example,

  • Is too much screen time truly an addiction or are we getting it all wrong?
  • On a positive note, is indulgence in technology the survival formula in the 21st century?
  • But again, should we sit back and relax when children spend countless hours plowing through social media platforms instead of doing dishes?
  • How about children sitting still with the head arched over in what is definitely a medical emergency in the long run?

Unfortunately, there are no definite answers to these and many other questions.

What then can you do as a parent? 

First things first. Let us go back in time to trace the birth of screen time.

The television set!

the televison in the 20th Century reached a level where homes needed to unplug
(A Pixabay image)

It all started way back in the middle of the 20th century when the TV became a fashionable item in the house. As of the 1950s, over 10 million television sets were in use, and overall, screen time was getting massive adoption.

The television became the most desired device in the world in the 1970s, far outshining the telephone and toilet installations.

By then, TV abuse was defined as day and night-long indulgence at the expense of productivity at home and in the office.

In a Sussman S and Moran MB research published in 2013, 

Addictions also may include behaviors that are often intrinsically not associated with excess, are not generally considered life-fulfilling, but are often considered a waste of productive time (e.g., television viewing).

Sussman S, Moran MB. Hidden addiction: Television. J Behav Addict. 2013;2(3):125–132. doi:10.1556/jba.2.2013.008

The need for a digital detox in the 21st century!

Today, around 50 decades on, TVs now number 1.5 billion globally. All homes in the developed world own one or more TV sets, and the same is true in 70% of homes in the developing world.

Also true today, the TV screen has been upgraded to include the Internet and other tech contraptions, thus keeping family members glued to this old technology. Add this to other screens such as the laptop, tablet, smartphone, and other miniature mobile screens and the problem gets bigger!

Here are just a few situations where too much screen time is problematic and why your digital child needs to unplug from technology:

  • Health: obesity; tech-neck; cancer; physical inactivity; vitamin D deficiency, laziness.
  • Social & family life: reduced face-to-face interactions; isolation; depression, anxiety.
  • Exposure to bad content: adult content; violent content; profanity.
  • Poor sleep habits: poor sleep, messed up hormonal functions.
  • Digital malpractice: bullying; stalking; photo/video leakages.
  • Negative image syndrome: less beautiful/handsome assumptions.
  • Poor communication.
  • Fear of missing out (FOMO).
  • Lowered concentration levels.
  • Reduced attention span.
  • Less productive, industrious and creative.

So, what now for your digital child?

The 5 real-life hacks to get your digital child to unplug from technology

In order to initiate a fair digital detox game-plan, be what you want your child to become! It is a heck of a battle to fight, but here are a few things you can do.

1. Become an outdoor model

The temptation to over-indulge screen time is facilitated by a sedentary lifestyle which we have all come to accept as normal. The assumption is that children are better off at home than wandering out in the neighborhood.

This is probably true due to escalating urbanization which comes with risk factors such as criminality and communicable diseases.

If this makes sense to you, it is your responsibility to deliberately get yourself out of that couch every now and then to venture outdoors. The kids will subconsciously follow you.

There are no hard and fast rules on how often you can do this., Nonetheless, the more days you can squeeze for them the better.

Kids need to be out of the house in order to accumulate at least 60 minutes (WHO recommendations) of moderate to vigorous physical activity on a daily basis. It is only during these moments that they learn to socialize with peers who are only accessible outside the house.

They also need to venture outdoors in order to absorb vitamin D from the sun. Besides, they will get to appreciate nature, which may ultimately make them discover their talents and other skills.

Besides, you can get them to participate in community games, volunteering, camping, site seeing, and visiting animal parks.

The random design of outdoor activities should get them to subconsciously unplug from technology gadgets soon enough.

2. Give them permission and room to play

While technology is shaping job skills today there is always room for non-tech skills in real life. Your child may never find this out unless you give them a chance!

As mentioned earlier, the World Health Organization recommendation on physical activity is,

Children should accumulate at least 60 minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity daily. (MVPA)


In order to accumulate the 60 minutes of play-time, you have to let your child play and play more. Now the sixty minutes of WVPA is not easy to accumulate while indoors. It will require a little jogging and running down the street.

Kids up to 10 years will embrace every opportunity to get out and run. And as long as you make these errands worth it, they will readily abandon their screens in favor of the outdoors.

Your child will discover skills and talents such as football, athletics, or riding. All you have to do is sit back and watch the magic happen!

One last caution. Stop worrying so much that something will go wrong while children are venturing outdoors. While it is true a lot of things can happen to your child, it is also true your child is robust, agile, and capable of recovering quickly from injuries.

Let your child and peers disappear for a while to bask in the freedom of playtime!

3. Create digital free zones at home

Now, this is difficult for many parents. You are probably hooked needlessly to your smartphone even when family moments should be a priority!

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Do you use your smartphone during mealtimes?
  • Do you sleep with your smartphone?
  • Are electronics scattered all over the place in the bedrooms?
  • Do you ever bother to monitor how long your child uses the computer and TV?

These are big questions and your answers are probably YES to all of them. If so, you have serious issues in your house which need sorting. By all means, ensure certain places and moments are totally tech-free!

Popular places that should remain tech-free include:

  • dinner table
  • bedroom
  • family moments indoors and outdoors
  • homework sessions
  • during a workout, unless they are complimentary
  • during a one-on-one with your child

In addition, set time limits that should apply to all in the family, unless of course, it is an emergency or when work calls. Remember, no double standards, especially if it hinders family moments.

4. Unplug from technology by making it a tool

While gaming is bad if played for extended hours and interferes with productivity, it may actually help your child learn life and work skills. Moderate gaming within the stipulated time frames, or as a family also enhances bonding.

A parent may easily learn which child is failing to achieve certain development milestones simply by playing together. Games can help children read and write fast, master patience, become strategic, and develop cognitive and creative awareness.

Besides they get to learn the dangers of real-life experiences. Beware though of violent games. These can teach them violence!

Still, get your digital child to embrace technology as a tool, rather than simply a means of entertainment. By 10 years, your child should be doing more than indulging in TV or gaming aimlessly!

Let them know that computers

  • are for gaming and learning as well
  • should be used as literacy tools
  • are important for research
  • can be used for coding
  • will prepare them for the future job market

Let them keep these and other valuable knowledge in mind and you just about get them to unplug from technology!

5. Discuss health implications of technology abuse

If you have lived a life without technology, you probably know well how much your digital child is missing when hooked to screen time!

If you exercise active and positive parenting, you definitely will get your child to understand why technology can be a problem if abused. Active parenting means you are ever-present and are truly concerned about the health and overall well-being of your child.

Make it a point to discuss the following issues with children and you will be surprised how they respond:

  • The importance of physical activity early in life
  • Too much screen time means physical inactivity
  • Tech overuse is addictive and addiction is bad
  • Overuse can lead to posture problems
  • Tech neck is bad for the spine and the chest
  • The eyes can be affected in the short and long run
  • Electronics in the bedroom interferes with sleep quality and related hormones
  • Related radiofrequency can cause cancer if not monitored
  • Mindless use can lead to poor social life
  • It can hinder communication such as eye to eye communication

Above all, let your child know tech is not everything in life.

Your child will happily share with you some of the effects mentioned above if they are already happening, and you may just be lucky to get them sorted out before they become chronic.

The final word

Always remember to let your child know they are a player in the race to unplug from technology. Your child should have a say when you too are abusing technology.

Your child is not WRONG all the time and neither are you RIGHT all the time. Empower everyone in the house and screen time use should be everyone’s business in the house.


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