“The Franklin Effect gets its name from Benjamin Franklin, one of America’s founding fathers, who famously used this strategy to turn an adversary into a friend.”
“The journey from corporal punishment to positive discipline in the 21st century is not about dismissing the past as entirely wrong or misguided. It is about recognizing that the methods of previous generations were shaped by the cultural norms, values, and knowledge available at the time.”
“Imagine the impact of raising a generation that values quality over quantity. Minimalism and conscious consumerism offer them a way to slow down, reflect, and focus on what really matters: connection, purpose, and sustainability.”
From the social butterflies who thrive on interaction to the lone wolves who prefer solitude, recognizing your children’s personality types is the first step aimed at promoting an environment that allows them to flourish.
“A lone wolf personality in children is not about being anti-social but valuing independence, deep thinking, and quiet reflection. These children find comfort in activities that allow them to explore their own thoughts and ideas.”